Customer-Oriented Business Operation Policy
Regalo Capital Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Our Company") respects the purpose of " Principles Concerning Customer-Oriented Business Operation " announced on March 30, 2017 by the Financial Services Agency; we have formulated this policy in order to realize it. We regularly announce the status of our efforts under this policy and we will periodically review this policy as necessary.
1. Pursuit of Our Customers’ Best Interests
We will pursue the best interests for our customers under the management policy of "becoming a company that can provide customers with the highest added value through finance and real estate". In order to realize that, we will endeavor to establish such efforts as a corporate culture through compliance study sessions and business training, so that executives and employees can acquire advanced expertise and professional ethics.
2. Proper Management on Conflicts of Interest
In order to properly manage conflicts of interest, we have established and adhered to the "Conflict of Interest Transaction Guidelines". We strive to ensure that customers' profits are not unduly impaired by conflict of interests.
3. Clear Fee Remuneration
Our compensation and fees related to the products and services provided to our customers is based on a reasonable standard taking into account the various costs, etc. and the amount consented by our customers. In addition, we will endeavor to make our fees easy to understand, such as by issuing a confirmation letter, etc. before the conclusion of an agreement contract with the customer.
4. Provision of Important Information that is Easy to Understand
We will endeavor to explain losses and other risks, terms of transactions, relationships between risks and returns, etc., in accordance with the law and regulations, which are easy for our customers to understand. In addition, we will actively disclose any adverse information, to help our customers achieve a fair deal.
5. Provision of Suitable Services for Customer
Our Company, in providing products and services, strives to fully understand the needs of our customers. In addition, we will fully grasp our customers’ asset status, transaction experience, knowledge, purpose of transaction, etc. and provide suitable products and services.
6. Development of Framework for Policy Implementation
We position compliance as one of our top management tasks, and we will make appropriate compliance a part of our executives and employees personnel evaluation. We also encourage executives and employees to actively participate in external training as well as study meetings within the company, and maintain an appropriate governance structure by the Board of Directors, Internal Audit Department, etc.